Sunday, 17 January 2016

Escape from Bangkok

After a glorious week running around Bangkok, even I had to grab a map and see where I could escape to. Most people head north towards Chiang Mai and Chang Rai PDQ after Bangkok for the cooler temperatures, slower pace of life, and more local feel in general. Given I'm heading that way at the end of February for my pitifully planned dates but super awesome elephant conservation project, I decided to look around the south. I considered Phuket and the glorious tales of island hopping around the southern prong of Thailand, but for me that's something I'd like to do with pals/partner/suitcase rather than on my Larry. So the eastern seaboard it was then and, with the idea of a beach and some jungle in mind, I was searching off the coast. Koh Samui is a very popular island, but when I looked at Koh Chang it was like finding an extra love heart in the corner of a seemingly empty Haribo packet. Lush!

After a daytrip to Ayutthaya, it was another 7am start on essentially a megabus for 350km. Sounded grim and I was not looking forward to that trip in any way, shape, or form, especially having spent 4 hours in a bumpy minivan to and from Ayutthaya with so little leg room even I had to sit sideways! 8 consecutive hours of that kind of driving... Bleugh. But, as ever, I just told myself it'll be fine, packed my nature valley bars and went to bed.

Not unusually, I was completely wrong. Reclining seats, free wifi, more leg room than I can appreciate - this was one pimped out megabus! Air conditioning blasting and having just booked my first night at Pajamas hostel, I'm feeling preeeeetty fancy. Come at me journey, I've got a beach waiting for me! 

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