Saturday, 26 March 2016

Elephant Invasion!

Do de do de doo, shredding some corn... poot te poot te poo, shredding more corn... Do de do de doo, bagging some corn... Poot te poot de poo, carrying some corn... Do de do de doo...

Now what should have gone through my mind next should have been: "there's an elephant who has broken into the kitchen looking for extra food. You are carrying a bag of food. You are heading towards the elephant. You should move the food and yourself out of the nose and eye range of the elephant." 

What actually went through my mind was: "COOOOOOOOOOOL." 

Dani was really going for it, that gal. The human kitchen staff came rushing out to move their motorbikes out of her way, just in time as Dani reached up to the nearby tree and pulled down entire branches exactly where the bikes had been moments earlier as she selected the finest leaves for consumption. She used her trunk to expertly reach for the baskets of rice balls, salads, and watermelons all being prepared for the morning feeding rounds and all of which had been hastily pulled away out of her reach after her first few trunk dives had destroyed the perfectly formed batch of rice for Bou Loi. I wondered why she hadn't put her legs up yet, she could definitely climb onto the platform... 

I was dragged out of my thoughts as my eyes focused on Brad waving and pointing in the background of the drama for me to move the bloody hell out of the way of the elephant. Ah yes, preventing disaster, that's probably a better thing to be doing right now than wondering how much Dani climbing onto the platform would resemble 8 year old me climbing out of a swimming pool. 

Relief came when the matriarch of Dani's old herd was led around the corner. Blissfully ignorant, Dani kept reaching away until she suddenly stopped rigid, backed up two steps, and then bolted from the kitchen area altogether! Classic "I'm telling Mum" tekkers right there. Bless her, though, she gave the invasion a good go! 

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